Surya Grahan 2024 Date: The second and last solar eclipse of the year is going to take place on Wednesday, October 2. This solar eclipse is going to take place in Virgo and Hasta Nakshatra. This is an annular solar eclipse, which will not be visible in India. This solar eclipse is also considered special because Sarvapitre Amavasya is also falling on this day. In such a situation, people are worried that due to the solar eclipse, there may be some hindrance in the Shradh Karma of the ancestors. Let us know when, where and at what time this solar eclipse will be visible. Also, we will know whether its Sutak Kaal will be valid in India or not.
At what time will the solar eclipse occur?
The last solar eclipse of the year is taking place on October 2. According to Indian time, it will start at 09.12 pm on the night of October 2. The effect of the solar eclipse will be the highest at around 12.15 in the midnight. The eclipse will end at 03.17 pm on October 3. The duration of the solar eclipse will be about 6 hours and 5 minutes.
Where will the solar eclipse be visible?
Astronomers say that this solar eclipse will not be visible in India. This eclipse will be visible in some places in northern parts of South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctica, Argentina, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Beka Island, French Polynesia Ocean, southern parts of North America, Fiji, New Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
Will Sutak Kaal be observed in India?
According to the scriptures, Sutak Kaal begins about 12 hours before the solar eclipse. Since this solar eclipse will not be visible in India. Therefore, its Sutak Kaal will also not be valid. Otherwise, auspicious and auspicious works are not performed during Sutak Kaal. During this time, worshiping the gods and goddesses and touching them is also prohibited. Therefore, the doors of temples are also closed during this period.
How to watch a solar eclipse?
It is important to follow some precautions and correct methods to watch a solar eclipse so that your eyes do not get damaged. One should never watch a solar eclipse with naked eyes. Use specially designed glasses to watch a solar eclipse. You can project the image of the sun on a white screen or wall using binoculars or a telescope. With this method, you will not see the sun directly, but will see its image.
What precautions should be followed?
Usually when a solar eclipse is seen in India, its Sutak period also starts 12 hours before. Many precautions have to be followed during this period. But this eclipse will not be visible in India. Therefore, there will be no need to follow any rules. Pregnant women also do not need to worry about anything.
Why is this solar eclipse special?
In this solar eclipse, there will be a conjunction of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Ketu. The axis of Rahu and Ketu will become effective in Pisces and Virgo. The influence of Sun, Mars and Ketu will remain in it. This situation can cause political upheaval around the world. New challenges will be faced on the economic front. The influence of Virgo and Pisces is indicating war and natural disasters around the world.
What will be beneficial to do during the eclipse?
It is best to chant the mantras of God during the eclipse. Praising and meditating in this is especially beneficial. You can worship God in your mind. This worship is definitely accepted. If you want to perfect any mantra or want to take initiation, then that too is especially auspicious during the eclipse. After the eclipse, one must take a bath and donate something to a poor person.