Although Mohammed Shami is currently preparing to return to Team India. As Chief Selector Ajit Agarkar has also said, he can be seen in Team India’s dressing room from September. But, amidst these positive news, a shocking revelation about him has created a stir. Actually, this revelation is related to Shami’s thoughts of committing suicide. The big thing is that this revelation has been made by none other than Shami’s close friend Umesh Kumar.

Friend told about Shami’s condition

Umesh Kumar, who is said to be close to Shami, told Shubhankar Mishra’s podcast ‘Unplugged’ about his condition when he was facing the match fixing charges against him. Shami was badly broken from inside due to this poisonous allegation made by his wife Hasin Jahan. Umesh Kumar has told about Shami’s condition and his mental state at that time in the podcast.

According to Umesh Kumar, Shami was staying at my house at that time. He was fighting with many things at that time. But, the accusation of match fixing with Pakistan had taken away his sleep and peace. He was shattered by the stain of match fixing on his name. According to Umesh, Shami had also said that he can tolerate everything but not the accusation of betraying the country.

Shami was thinking of committing suicide, friend reveals

Umesh Kumar told that it has also been reported that on the night of the match fixing allegations, Shami was thinking of doing something bad to himself. Probably he wanted to kill himself. According to Umesh, it must have been 4 in the morning when he got up to drink water. He was going towards the kitchen when he saw Shami standing in the balcony of the 19th floor of the flat where I lived. I understood what happened. That night was long and terrible for Shami.

When the allegations of fixing were overcome, there was no limit to happiness

Umesh also said in the podcast that a day later, Shami got a message on his mobile that he has been given a clean chit, you can’t imagine how happy he must have been. That happiness was like winning the World Cup for him. It was nothing less than that.