HSSC Police Constable Vacancy: The last date for application for recruitment to 5666 posts of Constable GD and Constable India Reserve Battalion and Constable Mounted in Haryana Police has been extended. Now one can apply for this bumper recruitment by visiting hssc.gov.in till 5 pm on 1 October. Apart from this, those who have already applied can make corrections in the form till 5 pm on 1 October. Earlier, the time given for application was till 24 September.
Keep in mind that only CET pass candidates can fill the Haryana Police Constable Recruitment form. Out of the vacant posts, 4000 posts are for male GD constables and 600 for female GD constables. There are 1000 posts for India Reserve Battalion which are only for men. These recruitments are under advertisement number 14/2024. Apart from 5600 new vacancies of Police Constable, vacancies have been released for 66 posts for Mounted Armed Forces (Advertisement number 15/2024). This recruitment is for male candidates.
Vacancy Details
4000 posts of Male Constable (General Duty).
(Non-ESM ESP: GEN=1440, SC=720, BCA=560, BCB=320, EWS=400, ESM-GEN=280, ESM-SC=80, ESM-BCA=80, ESM-BCB=120)
600 posts of Women Constable (General Duty).
(Non-ESM ESP: GEN=258, SC=108, BCA=84, BCB=48, EWS=18, ESM-GEN=42, ESM-SC=12, ESM-BCA=12, ESM-BCB=18)
1000 Posts of Male Constable (India Reserve Battalion).
(Non-ESM ESP: General=360, SC=180, BCA=140, BCB=80, EWS=100,
esm-gen=70, esm-sc=20, esm-bca=20, esm-bcb=30)
Ability –Must have passed 12th. Must have studied either Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects in 10th.
Age Limit –The age of the candidates should not be less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as on 1st September 2024.
Candidates belonging to reserved categories who are natives of Haryana will be given relaxation in the maximum age limit as per the rules of the state government. There will be a relaxation of five years in the maximum age limit for EWS, / SC, / Backward Classes.
Selection Process:- On the basis of CET, candidates will be shortlisted for physical test. Then the candidates will be called for Common Eligibility Test (Knowledge Test). Knowledge test will be given 94.5 percent weightage. Those who have NCC certificate will get 3 marks extra.
In the physical test, men will have to run 2.5 km in 12 minutes and women will have to run 1 km in 6 minutes.