Today former Mayor Kamlesh Banarasi Das informed the Administration and Chief Engineer of the Corporation that Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah is coming to Chandigarh on 4th to provide 24-hour water supply to the people and on the other hand in Ram Darbar there is no water supply for even 2 hours nor is there any electricity, water is supplied through tankers. Former Mayor Kamlesh Banarasi Das warned that if the problem is not resolved in 2 days then black flags will be shown to the Home Minister and it will be told that the officials of the Corporation and the Administration know and are misleading the Home Minister that water is not coming for 24 hours or even for 2 hours. On this, the corporation officer came to Ram Darbar Colony today and heard our entire matter and he said that right now we will get 5 generators on rent and install them and later we will also make arrangements for canal water and the generator sets arrived this evening. On the other hand, Chief Engineer of the administration Ojha ji told that Advisor sahab also spoke to the officer of Pspcl and Chief Engineer Ojha ji also spoke to the Chief Engineer of Pspcl and assured us that the electricity problem will be resolved by tomorrow.