New Delhi. A large number of engine cars are used all over the world including India. If the engine is not taken care of properly, then many problems have to be faced. In this news, we are telling you what things are necessary to take care of to use the car (Car Care Tips) for a long time without any problem.
Get the service done on time
To increase the life of the engine of any vehicle, the most important thing is to get it serviced on time. If the engine of the vehicle is serviced on time, then many types of problems can be eliminated. Along with this, if information about future problems is received on time, then they can be resolved.
Use the right engine oil
If the right engine oil is used in any car, it helps in keeping the trouble away. Many types of engines are offered by the companies, for which different types of engine oil are used. Most companies also recommend using suitable engine oil with their vehicles. Generally, the life of the engine (Car Engine Maintenance) can be increased by changing the engine oil after 10 thousand kilometers.
Check coolant
Coolant also plays an important role in increasing the life of the engine. If the right quality coolant is used, it helps in maintaining normal engine temperature while driving. But if the coolant leaks or gets damaged, then the engine temperature may increase and cause overheating and in many cases the engine may also seize.
Change the filter on time
In a vehicle, an oil filter is used for the engine and an air filter is used to supply air to the engine. If both these filters get damaged and are still used, then the risk of major damage to the engine increases. Therefore, whenever you get the vehicle serviced, always replace the oil filter and air filter. This increases the life of the engine.