Mahindra launched its new Thar Rocks on the occasion of Independence Day. Now the company is soon going to launch many new electric SUVs in the global market along with India. Some time ago, an agreement was signed between Volkswagen India and Mahindra regarding electric vehicles, in which the new Mahindra Electric Thar will also get an electric motor called APP550.
Mahindra Thar Electric has been designed in a great style and design which is currently a concept, however it will be almost the same even after production. The ground clearance of Mahindra Thar Electric will be so great that there will be no problem in driving on any road. Thar Electric is being prepared on the new Inglo EV platform, named P1.
These features can be found in Mahindra Thar Electric
Mahindra Thar Electric can use batteries from BYD and Volkswagen’s powerful battery. Volkswagen’s battery can have 80 kWh-R capacity which will give a range of about 450 km per charge. Talking about the price, apart from Thar, Mahindra is also going to launch 5 other electric cars. According to an estimate, Thar Electric can be launched in late 2024 or early 2025. Its price is Rs 18 to 20 lakh.
Mahindra launched the new SUV Thar Rocks on the night of 14 August, just a day before Independence Day . The company has also finalized the booking date for this 5-door SUV. Mahindra will start taking bookings for Thar Rocks from the month of October. Along with this, the company has planned to deliver this car from this month itself.