Chandigarh, August 14: 16th Punjab Vidhan Sabha: The Punjab Cabinet led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann gave its approval to convene the seventh session of the 16th Punjab Legislative Assembly from September 2 to 4.
Giving this information, the spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office said that the decision in this regard was taken today in the cabinet meeting held under the leadership of the Chief Minister at his official residence.
The Assembly session will begin on September 2 with paying homage to the departed souls and the business for the remaining three days will be decided soon by the Business Advisory Committee.
Green signal to abolish the condition of NOC in principle
The Cabinet has given its in-principle approval to abolish the requirement of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for registration of property. The matter will be taken up in the next Cabinet meeting to be held soon. The sole purpose of this decision is to provide convenience to the general public as illegal colonisers loot people by showing them green dreams and sell colonies without permission. Later, people living in these colonies have to wander here and there for basic facilities.
Punjab Fire Safety and Emergency Services Bill, 2024 approved
The Cabinet also approved the Punjab Fire Safety and Emergency Services Bill, 2024. The 2012 Act required amendments as it was not able to meet the requirements of firefighting in the current context. Once this proposed Bill becomes law, owners and occupiers of buildings in Punjab will get a big relief as they will now have to obtain a fire safety certificate after three years instead of an annual one.
In this regard, the cases will be divided according to low, medium and high risk categories of buildings. The bill will also propose insurance of people against fire risks and other hazards. The bill will bring more efficiency in the functioning of the fire department and will be helpful in providing better fire and emergency services in urban and rural areas in Punjab.
Creation of 49 posts in seven village courts
The Cabinet also approved creation of 49 posts for seven Gram Nyayalayas namely Paantara (Patiala), Tapa (Barnala), Bassi Pathana (Fatehgarh Sahib), Dera Baba Nanak (Gurdaspur), Dhar Kalan (Pathankot), Raikot (Ludhiana) and Chamkaur Sahib (Rupnagar). The aim of setting up these Gram Nyayalayas is to ensure easy access to justice to every citizen of the country. The newly established Gram Nyayalayas will ensure justice to people at affordable rates near their homes as well as reduce the workload of the courts.
Reduction in Motor Vehicle Tax on Tourist Vehicles Registered in Punjab
The Cabinet also reduced Motor Vehicle Tax on tourist vehicles registered in Punjab. Earlier, vehicles registered in Punjab were taxed much higher as compared to neighbouring states due to which registration of tourist vehicles in Punjab was very low but now this move will reduce this trend and increase the revenue of the state. The Cabinet also approved levying additional road tax on one more category of luxury vehicles which will generate additional revenue of Rs 87.03 crore. The Cabinet also decided to impose Green Tax on old transport/non-transport vehicles registered in Punjab to prevent environmental pollution.
Amendment to Punjab Partnership (Registration of Firms) Rules, 1932 approved
The Cabinet also approved amendment in the Punjab Partnership (Registration of Firms) Rules, 1932 to apply revised fees for services included in Schedule-I under Section 71(1) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 on the lines of amendments made in the 1932 Act under the Indian Partnership Act (Punjab Amendment) Act, 2021 published in the Punjab Government Gazette on July 12, 2022. These amendments in Rule 11(A) of the Punjab Partnership (Registration of Firms) Rules, 1932 will pave the way for application of revised fees in Punjab.
Youth Services Policy 2024 approved
The Cabinet has given the green signal to the Youth Services Policy-2024 prepared by the Youth Services Department for the welfare of the youth. The objective of this policy is to keep the youth away from drugs and also to channelize their immense energy in a positive direction. This policy will help the youth in social welfare activities as well as in enhancing their skills. This policy will encourage the youth for sports, cultural activities and other noble works.
Decision to amend sports regular cadre service
The Cabinet has approved to amend the Sports Regular Cadre Service Rules by preparing ‘The Outstanding Sports Persons Service Rules’ of the Sports Department. This decision will provide employment opportunities to sportspersons with outstanding sports talent in the Sports Department. Similarly, the Cabinet has also approved ‘Punjab Sports Medical Cadre Service Rules’ to provide medical assistance to sportspersons.
Green signal to tree conservation policy for non-forest government and public land-2024
The Cabinet has given the green signal to the Tree Conservation Policy for Non-Forest Government and Public Land-2024. Punjab is an agricultural state with 83 percent of its area under agriculture. Punjab has a total area of 5.92 percent under forests and trees and the Punjab government has set a target to increase this area to 7.5 percent by 2030. The main objective of this policy is to provide proper protection to the trees standing on non-forest government and public lands and to provide proper arrangement for compensating the environmental loss by planting trees.
According to this policy, the concerned department will count the trees standing on its land and document them through online portal/mobile app to save them. This policy will be applicable to all non-forest lands in state government departments, all government institutions, local governments and panchayat lands. According to this decision, the decision regarding cutting trees or planting new saplings will be taken by the committees constituted at sub-division/district and state level. This policy will also generate some income from the plants and will help in protecting greenery across the state, especially in urban areas.
Approval also given to start a project to encourage agroforestry and conserve biodiversity
The cabinet also approved the launch of a project to promote agroforestry and conserve biodiversity in Punjab at a cost of Rs 792.88 crore in collaboration with Japan. The project will help in increasing the area of trees under agroforestry in Punjab, saving groundwater, increasing farmers’ income and reducing air pollution caused by stubble burning, better integrated management of water resources in the Shivalik region, improving catchment areas in the state and promoting conservation of biodiversity and ecotourism. A detailed report of the project will be prepared by the Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Forest Department of Punjab. The project will be implemented for five years from 2025-26.
Designating the State Executive Committee as the competent authority for compensation for crop damage due to natural calamities
The Cabinet also approved to designate State Executive Committee as the competent authority to release funds exceeding Rs. 1 crore jointly from SDRF and State Budget for compensation of crop damage in case of notified natural calamities. This will enable farmers to get adequate compensation for crop damage due to natural calamities. At present, compensation is given separately from the State Budget, but this move aims to ensure that the affected farmers get compensation in a timely manner collectively from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and State Budget.
Punjab State Education Policy for Divyang children approved
The Cabinet has approved the Punjab State Education Policy for Divyang Children to fulfill the objective of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to implement ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act-2016’. This policy will help in holistic education and comprehensive development so that Divyang children can get more opportunities and complete education. Apart from this, this policy will also provide these children the right to self-development activities as well as socio-economic participation in every field.
Relief to gallantry award winners
In a major relief to the gallantry award winners, the Cabinet has approved the pending payments of each type of cash award to these winners. This will ensure that the awardees receive the pending amount, enabling them to meet their financial needs more effectively. Moreover, this decision will eliminate the need for the award winners to continue the process of Jeevan Pramaan Patra every year and there will be no need for the wife of the award winner to apply for monthly allowance after his death as the process will be completed automatically.
Amendment in Punjab Educational (Teaching Cadre) Group C Service Rules, 2018 and Punjab Educational (Teaching Cadre) Border Area Group C Service Rules, 2018
The cabinet also approved amendment in Punjab Educational (Teaching Cadre) Group C Service Rules 2018 and Punjab Educational (Teaching Cadre) Border Area Group C Service Rules 2018. Under this amendment, 20 per cent promotion quota in the vacancies of Master/Mistress cadre will be divided among ETT/JBT, HT and CHT cadres in the ratio of 15:4:1 respectively. This will reduce unnecessary litigation in the department and pave the way for promotions in ETT/JBT, HT and CHT cadres.
Changes in the Punjab Family Courts (Amendment) Rules, 2004
The Cabinet has approved amendment of Punjab Family Court (Amendment) Rules, 2004 by adding new Section 4-A and making necessary amendments in existing Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The amendment is aimed at meeting the present needs so that the functioning of Family Courts can be made more smooth.
Amendment in Punjab Superior Judicial Service Rules 2007
The Cabinet also gave its approval to amend the Punjab Superior Judicial Rules, 2007 to re-designate judicial officers in line with all India. The Cabinet approved amendment in the PCS (Judicial Branch) Rules, 1951 to permit the Punjab and Haryana High Court to conduct departmental examination and frame rules for recruitment of judicial officers at its own level. The Cabinet also approved amendment in Rule 5 of the Punjab Superior Judicial Service Rules, 2007 to provide clarity regarding the minimum age for appointment/promotion to the Punjab Superior Judicial Service.
Increase in the services of 479 veterinary pharmacists and 472 sweepers working in 582 veterinary hospitals
For better health facilities for animals, the Cabinet has approved extension of services of 479 Veterinary Pharmacists and 472 Safai Sevaks working in 582 Veterinary Hospitals across the State as service providers from 1st April, 2024 to 31st March, 2025.
Approval for reorganization of Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs
The Cabinet has also approved the reorganisation of the Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs. Under the reorganisation, 11 posts have been abolished and 9 new posts have been created and 13 existing temporary posts have been approved to be converted into permanent posts.
The period for dissolution of market committees has been extended by two more years
The Cabinet has approved extension of the time limit for dissolution of Market Committees from one year to two years i.e. up to 26th July, 2025, and if these Market Committees are not reconstituted within this extended period, the functioning of these Market Committees will be looked after by an administrator appointed by the Government till they are reconstituted.
Amendment in service rules of Public Works Department approved
The Cabinet also approved Punjab Public Works Department (Buildings and Roads) Draughtsmen (Group-B) Service Rules 2024, Punjab Architecture (Group-C) Ministerial Services (First Amendment) Rules 2024 and Punjab Public Works (Buildings and Roads Branch) Field Office (Group-C Ministerial) Service Rules 2024 to streamline the functioning of the department.
Reorganization of water resources department approved
The Cabinet has also given its approval to create three posts of Tehsildars by abolishing three posts of Sub Divisional Engineer in the Water Resources Department, which will be filled on deputation from the Revenue Department. These Tehsildars will look after matters such as maintenance of various properties of the department, advocacy of land related matters in the court, prevention of illegal occupation of government land by private persons, revenue related matters, land acquisition related matters for various projects, announcement of awards related to land acquisition and settlement of disputes between land acquisition and announcement of awards.
Amendment to Junior Draftsman and Surveyor (Group C) Service Rules 2021 of Punjab Water Resources Department approved
The Cabinet also approved amendment to the Punjab Water Resources Department Junior Draftsman and Surveyor (Group-C) Service Rules, 2021. It said that candidates who possess 2 years National Trade Certificate and degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering will be considered eligible for recruitment of Junior Draftsman and Surveyor (Group-C) in Punjab Water Resources Department, provided that no prospective candidate is given the benefit of higher qualification.
- Green signal to the administrative report of Water Resources Department
- The Cabinet has also given the green signal to the administrative report of the Water Resources Department for the year 2022-23.
- Approval of Legislative Accounts Report of Cooperative Department
- The Cabinet has also approved the Legislative Accounts Report of the Cooperative Department for the year 2019-2020.