
At least 78 people died when a boat capsized on Lake Kivu in the Central African country of Congo on Thursday. South Kivu province governor Jean-Jacques Purusi said that there were 278 people on the boat. He said that at least 78 people died and the death toll may increase. Earlier, eyewitnesses said that the boat was carrying more passengers than its capacity. The boat sank a few meters from Kituku port in the eastern part of the country. The boat was to reach this port, but the boat sank a few hundred meters before reaching its destination.

The boat that met with the accident was going from Minova in South Kivu province to Goma in North Kivu province. On reaching the shore of Goma, the boat met with an accident and sank. A video of this incident has also surfaced on social media, in which the boat first tilts to one side and then sinks.

Accidents have happened before

Earlier in June, 80 passengers lost their lives when a boat sank near Congo’s capital Kinshasa. In January, 22 people died when a boat sank in Lake Mai-Ndombe. Such incidents are quite common in Congo. Here, boats are filled with more people and luggage than their capacity. At the same time, passengers are not even given life jackets. In such a situation, the boat capsizes when waves rise. After this, the rescue operation becomes difficult. The same thing happened in this accident. The boat had more luggage than its capacity. Earlier the water was calm, but later waves started moving and the boat sank. A person who survived the accident said that earlier everything was calm, then waves started moving and the boat tilted. In such a situation, the people on top started jumping into the water and gradually the entire boat sank. An official said that it may take at least three days to find out the exact death toll.